Friday, 8 May 2020

Symbiosis - A Poem

Some people are like trees. They
stand strong against gusts of
criticism, storms of hatred
& tempests of malice.

Some others are like creepers.
They need to cling to trees
to survive & shine in the
reflected glory of the
trees that support
& sustain them.

If you are the tree,
refrain from negativity
offer positive energy
to the ones who need
the light you feed
to their soul, from thee.

If you are the creeper
don't be a mere seeker,
refrain from absorption
of venomous potions
that leave your soul darker.
Filter, before you go deeper.

Sometimes, a creeper
most times, a tree.
Sometimes a seeker
of what sets me free;
Many times, a reaper
of power within me.
Weaker or stronger
I let myself be.

Like me, is none other
I'm unique, I am Me.

~ Life stories.


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