Friday, 15 December 2017

You, the woman of strength - A Poem.

Who are you, dear woman, wherein lies your power?
Are you a bastion of ability or a delicate flower?

You are a daughter and a daughter-in-law;
You juggle multiple roles with aplomb and inspire awe

Sometimes the mother, other times the wife;
You are entwined in perpetual responsibilities, perils & strife

Hidden deep within your soul, lies a latent little child;
Rarely does the woman in you, go completely wild

There may be spells, when you've nothing to say
But there are times, when you allow your demons out to play

Mere living sometimes, is such an endless grind,
Strong that you are, you learn not to mind.

No matter what happens, you never lose hope,
For you are aware that life is but a tangled rope.

You live each strand of life, across its entire length
From each arduous journey, you draw your immense strength.

You're underappreciated and rarely get the respect that is due,
but you barely falter and always remember to be you.

In this tug of war of existence, you hold on really tight,
you know you can't lose, if you pull with all your might

You're a source of inspiration, a powerful strength-mine
Try as they might, your foes can never dull your shine.

You do not fret, for when you decide to win
You draw fortitude from deep within

Stay strong lovely lady, the likes of you are few
Well done, oh woman of strength, kudos to you!


Picture credits : Google.


  1. Nice poem Chethna, rhyming, musical & full of meaning.

    "You live each strand of life, across its entire length
    From each arduous journey, you draw your immense strength."

    The above lines are particularly beautiful; expressing the tough yet successfully navigated journey of life.

    "You draw fortitude frm deep within.." indicating depth of inner resolve to face challenges of life...

    Nicely written overall
